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Donate Now

Your financial gift helps to change residential opportunities for people with I/DD.

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Smokey Hollow Community's mission is to address the lack of safe, affordable and appropriate housing disproportionately affecting low-income adults with I/DD, especially for those with 24/7 support needs, and to change the culture and understanding of residential choice for individuals with I/DD.

Hi, my name is Ian. I am a 24 year old Senior at Inclusive U, Syracuse University. I am involved with the production of audiobooks and musical programming. I am passionate about music and James Bond. I am so happy that SMOKEY HOLLOW is going to allow me the opportunity to have my own apartment. I am looking forward to living independently and having my friends close by me and the support I continue to need in my life. And SMOKEY HOLLOW is giving me this chance. My family and I feel so fortunate.

For those considering donating but want more information, we welcome the opportunity to meet and discuss how Smokey Hollow can change the landscape of housing opportunities for those with I/DD and can be recreated throughout New York.

To donate by check, please make check payable to Smokey Hollow Community, Inc. and mail to 17 Ronway Drive, Baldwinsville, NY 13027.